This below is our list of the greatest rock bands of all the time. They are in our list because of their millions copies of albums selling, their performance on the stage, everlasting singles which they have, and their member eternity. But if you have any opinion you can share your list. So, here our list :
1. Metallica
2. Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
3. Guns N Roses
Guns N Roses
4. Linkin Park
Linkin Park
5. The Beatles
The Beatles
15 other rock bands? click this link below!
6. The Rolling Stones
7. Queen
8. Oasis
9. Avenged Sevenfold
10. Muse
11. Scorpions
12. Green Day
13. Bon Jovi
14. 30 Second to Mars
15. AC/DC
16. Pink Floyd
17. U2
18. Nirvana
19. Red Hot Chili Peppers
20. Radiohead
Any one agree? :)
Wow, my favorite bands and most popular too! I love them until now, they still make my day enjoyable and full of beat just like my pal Spokane tim jones.